Author: Jase Batchelor



@WIP Berkeley Packet Filter

wasm ebpf https://zhuanlan-zhihu-com.translate.goog/p/628671832?_x_tr_sl=zh-CN&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc


Part 1: we lay out the problem set Part 2: we dive into eBPF in a general sense to familiarize ourselves with the technology before reaching out to Rust Part 3: we look at current state of eBPF networking in Rust and what it would look like to solve our Part 1 problem Part 4: We do a deep dive into the current networking implementation of redbpf-probes and note areas we want to improve Part 5 (Coming Soon): We propose ideas for improving the redbpf-probes networking modules

Go - Gophers & Bees - parsing Golang structures in memory with eBPF

eBPF explorer https://github.com/ebpfdev/explorer